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The introduction of honey bees to Australia dates back to 1822 when they were brought to NSW. Due to the abundance of nectar and pollen sources from native eucpts, they quickly spread across the country. Pest control operators in Australia often encounter this bee species, which tends to settle in and around houses.

strata been infestation commercial bee problem

When hives establish between walls or inside buildings, they pose special problems, and professional beekeepers usually reject the idea of accepting relocated hives due to the risk of introducing diseased wild bees to their commercial apiary. In cases where a swarm of bees settles or establishes a new colony on a property, it may be necessary to kill the colony, especially if there are allergic individuals or children around, as bee stings can be very painful.

Bees can thrive in both natural and domesticated environments, but they prefer to live in gardens, woodlands, orchards, meadows, and other areas where flowering plants are abundant. They build nests inside tree cavities and under edges of objects to hide from predators. Bees can also live in the wall cavity of homes. Wasps, on the other hand, can be found in soil, on the ground, inside fruit, in their mud or paper nests, and around the home. European wasps are known to establish a nest underground. Both bees and wasps are most active during the day, but bees have been observed to sleep in groups during the night. 

Bee Identifier:

sydney bee infestation

European Honey Bee

daycare bee control

Bumble Bee

inner west bee treatment

Asian Honey Bee

Removing bee nests can be a dangerous task, and attempting it on your own can put you risk of getting stung. Hosing them down or throwing objects at them is not recommended It's best to hire professional bee catchers who have the necessary equipment and expertise to remove the swarm safely. They can apply a special bee treatment directly into the wall to solve the problem. For your safety and that of your family and pets, leave it to the local honey bee removal experts to remove the threat.

sydney pest control service

The Ancient Egyptian King Pepy II came up with a clever insect repellent. He would cover a slave completely with honey so they would be attracted to the honey and not him.


The difference between bees and wasps:

bee hive sydney control

Although bees and wasps may look similar from a distance, they have more differences than similarities. Bees only sting once and leave their stinger in the victim's skin, while wasps sting repeatedly and emit pheromones to signal others to attack. Additionally, bee stings are acidic, while wasp stings are alkaline. Bees usually attack when provoked, while wasps are more aggressive and attack when they sense sudden movement.

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