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Everything you need to know about Rodents

Jun 10, 2024

3 min read




rodents, rat, mouse, rodent treatment, sydney pest control, inner west pest control, residential pest control, commercial pest control

Our homes and offices provide an ideal environment for rats and other rodents. They can easily access food, water, and shelter without exposing themselves to predators. However, allowing them to inhabit our homes, stores, and warehouses is not advisable. These unwanted visitors carry germs and diseases, and history has shown the consequences of cohabiting with them (for instance, the bubonic plague).

While it’s common knowledge that rodents like rats and mice cause property damage, start fires by gnawing wires, spread diseases, and contaminate food supplies, many property owners are unaware that they can also introduce other pests like lice, fleas, and ticks.

Given these nuisances, it’s crucial to act immediately at the first sign of infestation to minimise the time needed to effectively address the problem. Remember, these creatures reproduce rapidly, and a delay in contacting pest removal experts could lead to a large-scale infestation.

Rodents are the second most successful mammals on Earth, second only to humans. They have successfully colonised every continent except Antarctica, largely due to their adaptability and short breeding cycles.

Australia is home to over 60 native rodent species, and fortunately, only three have been introduced as pests. However, these three have caused significant damage to households, businesses, farms, livestock, and manufacturing companies over the years. Whether they’re gnawing through structures or contaminating food supplies with their feces, you wouldn’t want any of them on your property.

However, it’s important to remember that not all rodents are pests. Many play a crucial role in the local food chain as prey for small carnivores like snakes, cats, foxes, and predatory birds. Besides being a staple diet for endemic predators, they also aid in seed and spore dispersal. Their ecological significance cannot be overstated.

In Australia, because rats and mice are notorious disease carriers, it’s important to be vigilant for any signs of these rodents on your property. This means you need to be familiar with the common ones who may invade your space at any time.

The three main pest species found in the country are:

Norway rat (Rattus norvegicus): Known as either sewer rat, brown rat, or wharf rat, this one is the larger of the other two pest rodents. In fact, adult Norway rats can weigh about half a kilo! They are active at night and are both good swimmers and diggers. They’re omnivores, too, and that means they eat plant and animal matter. Their staple diet includes meat, fish, vegetables, cereals, weeds, earthworms, nuts, fruits, and even crustaceans.

The Roof Rat (Rattus rattus): Often called a ship rat or black rat, this one is smaller than the Norway rat. They’re usually found in roof voids, buildings, and ships and they get around thanks to their incredible climbing ability. They can be recognised by their black/brown fur and their tail that is as long as their head and body combined. They eat anything with nutritional value and will even feed on meats and insects when grains, fruits, and cereals are scarce.

The House Mouse (Mus domesticus): Compared to the other two previously mentioned, the house mouse is relatively small. They’re curious animals and can often be found in close proximity to human settlements. They have a varied diet that consists of grains, fruits, animal feeds, cereals, and nuts.

If you suspect that rodents have infested your property, look for signs such as smears, droppings, and holes (on the walls, floor, or partitions). House mice tend to gnaw small holes, while rats create larger entrances to their nests. In addition to these, watch out for other signs of rodent invasion, such as unusual sounds, damaged food packaging, a musky odour, and droppings.

A rat or mouse infestation is a serious matter that can quickly escalate. Before these unwelcome guests jeopardise your safety, contact our rat control and mouse removal team. We’ll ensure they’re evicted before they cause you any distress.

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