MAIN SUSPECTS: Which Garden Pests are most common In Australia:

Australia is home to millions of insects, some of which are beneficial to the ecosystem, while others can cause significant damage. However, gardeners can manage these destructive insects using simple, organic pest control methods.
There is a plethora of insects that can harm your garden, but we’ve identified 8 common garden pests. We’ll help you identify each one and provide easy-to-follow recommendations on how to eliminate them using non-toxic methods.
Australia, being one of the world’s largest countries in terms of land area and population, is full of surprises. It is a sanctuary for a diverse array of fauna and flora, making it seem like a giant melting pot of nature. With such diversity, various species will naturally find your home a suitable habitat.
It’s important to periodically check your plants and yard for signs of disease or pest infestation. Regular garden maintenance is crucial to prevent waking up one day to find a colony of unusual crawlies have made your yard their home.
Here are 8 Common Garden Pests in Australia and How to Eliminate Them:
Out of over 4000 species, around 250 aphid species are harmful to plants. Aphids, which come in various colours including white, yellow, brown, black, and pink, are small and can often be mistaken for plant foliage. However, if your garden has an aphid infestation, there are clear signs.
Look for leaves that are twisted, yellowed, or browned, as well as drooping or stunted growth. Aphids can deposit a sticky substance on plant surfaces known as “honeydew.” If you notice any of these signs, take a closer look as aphids are likely present.
If you detect aphids early, they can be relatively easy to eliminate. Some methods for getting rid of them include:
Hand removal of small groups of aphids
Spraying them off plants with cold water, ensuring to wash the undersides of the leaves as well
Introducing lady beetles to your garden, as they feed on aphids
Using a garlic spray or insecticidal soap for heavy infestations
Cabbage Moth
Cabbage moths can be a major nuisance if you have a vegetable garden. The caterpillars, not the moth, are usually the problem. Caterpillars feed on leaves and can destroy an entire vegetable crop if left unchecked.
You may not be able to see the caterpillars themselves, but if you want to be sure, look for holes in leaves, dark green droppings on leaves, and discolouration on any cauliflower and broccoli.
If you see any of these signs, take a closer look to see if you can spot the caterpillars. Some methods for getting rid of them include:
Hand removal
Attracting insect-eating birds to your yard by providing them with a food source
Planting dill, fennel, coriander, and basil in your vegetable garden as their scent will deter the insects
Using Bacillus thuringiensis, a naturally occurring pesticide that is effective against cabbage moths. Avoid using chemical sprays in a vegetable garden as they can expose consumers to chemicals
The European Earwig
The European earwig is an omnivorous insect that will consume any organic matter it comes into contact with. In some cases, they can be beneficial to the garden as they prey on other pests that could otherwise damage it. However, when they start to multiply uncontrollably, they will begin to prey on fruit, flowers, and other ornamental plants in the garden.
Their presence can be detected through jagged holes in the leaves or shredded leaf tips. Damage to fruit trees that looks like it was caused by birds may also be found when they are around. Some of the methods for getting rid of European earwigs include:
Placing dampened newspaper in a pot and turning it upside down. Earwigs will make their way inside the pot
Earwigs are attracted to beer, but they die as a result of consuming it. Pour beer into small pots and place the pots near locations where earwigs may be found to attract them
Earwigs will be attracted to orange rinds. Spread them around and remove the earwigs first thing in the morning. Remove them from the rinds and place them in a bucket of soapy water
Mealybugs are about 4mm long and are covered in a white waxy coating that gives them their name. They are a common garden pest that infests a variety of plants, including fruit trees, ornamental plants, ferns, and orchids.
They like to gather and can be seen in large groups but detecting them early can prevent them from causing significant damage to your plants.
Mealybugs excrete a “honeydew,” which causes leaf curling and yellowing, wilted plants, and sticky foliage. Mealybugs produce these by sucking the sap from plants. To get rid of them organically, do the following:
Blast them off the plants using a strong spray of water
Make your garden a haven for ladybirds by planting fennel seeds, coreopsis, dill, and other colourful flowers in the garden
If the infestation is quite minor, prune the plants
Treat mealybugs with rubbing alcohol or methylated spirits. They will kill the mealybugs but they will not affect the plants
Mealybugs can be killed by adding garlic or chilli to the water. Allow the garlic or chilli to stay in the water for a few minutes, or use boiling water and allow it to cool
Scale Insects
Scale insects attack a variety of plants, including trees, ornamental plants, indoor plants, and ferns. They have a waxy surface that can be either black, soft brown, or red, depending on the species. They feed on plant sap and can cause plant growth to be stunted, defoliation to occur, and even death to a plant if not controlled.
Look for lumps on plants that mimic shells to determine whether they are from these creatures. You may observe twisted fruit developing on fruit trees or notice that their twigs or branches are withering.
Some methods of controlling them include:
If the infestation is modest, wipe them away with a damp cloth. If the infestation is severe, spray afflicted areas with horticultural soap
Ladybirds eat scale insects, so lure these into your garden
Keep ants away from scale insects because the former are natural deterrents to their natural predators
Snails and Slugs
Pests like snails and slugs can cause a lot of damage to a landscape. You can usually see them as they are larger creatures, but you must look very carefully or you may miss some entirely.
Snails prefer the shade and wet environment, so look for them in shaded and damp areas. When you look around the garden, you’ll find large holes in the leaves as well as sparkling silver streaks. If the infestation becomes widespread, your vegetable and herb garden may be completely ruined.
Snails and slugs can be eliminated in a variety of ways, including:
Pick them up by hand and drop them into soapy water
Remove any potential breeding places from the garden, such as wet and dark sections of the lawn
Apply a coffee mix (one part coffee to five parts water) on the damaged plants using a spray bottle. They will die as a result of the caffeine in the coffee
Beer has a strong attraction to snails and slugs. They will enter the jar if you put beer in it, resulting in death
Several different types of materials, including crushed eggshells, wood ash, sawdust, lime, and wood shavings, can be used to deter snails or slugs. When placed in the soil, they will help keep snails and slugs away from the garden
Spider Mites
The red spider mite is the most common type of spider mite found in the environment. In warm weather, spider mites multiply rapidly and can cause extensive damage to a landscape. Yellow stains on the tips of leaves, peeling along leaf veins, and silky weaving are all signs of their presence, though you may not see them at first. In severe infestations, you may see defoliation as a result.
Following these procedures can help you get rid of spider mites:
Include ladybirds in your garden’s ecosystem
Make sure to keep the plants well-watered. Spider mites favour a dry, hot environment
Remove the insects off the plants and into the water by launching a powerful stream of water at them. You may have to repeat this step several times
Spray the plants with horticultural soap or insecticidal detergent to remove any remaining pests. Make sure to treat the undersides of the leaves as well
Whiteflies are small flying insects that are related to aphids and mealybugs. They look like tiny moths and can be found hiding on the undersides of leaves. The silver leaf whitefly and the glasshouse whitefly are the two most common whiteflies in Australia, with the silver leaf whitefly being the most widespread.
When whiteflies suck the juice from plants, stunted growth, wilting, and a decreased production will occur, especially on commercial farms. You can get rid of whiteflies by doing the following:
If the infestation is small, removing the afflicted leaves may be sufficient
Hosing the plants for several consecutive days can help
Natural whitefly predators like lacewings, ladybirds, and hoverflies are attracted to the garden by the presence of marigolds and alyssum. Plant these blooms
Whitefly repellents such as chilli and garlic are effective
Try potassium soap sprays
A variety of small insects and creatures can be found in virtually all types of garden settings. These creatures naturally gravitate towards environments that suit their needs and will instinctively establish habitats wherever they find suitable conditions.
Unfortunately, their presence can become a disturbance to your beautiful garden. If you require help in implementing measures to prevent these creatures from invading your garden, we are ready to provide assistance.