Why are Pests attracted to your home?
Ever been startled by a bug crawling on your arm in the dead of night? Or had to deal with an ant invasion in your kitchen? If so, you’re not alone. Pests are a universal problem and they’re not disappearing anytime soon.
Overlooking these tiny creatures can lead to problems, particularly during their most active seasons. Whether you own or rent a property, it’s your responsibility to keep it pest-free.
Pests can infest your property for a variety of reasons, which is why it’s important to be aware of different types of pests. This knowledge can help you manage them more effectively and implement measures to prevent further infestations.
While it’s fine to take your time with preparations, you need to act quickly when you notice the telltale signs of a pest infestation. Homes that are not regularly cleaned or neglected often attract pests.
Here’s what you need to know:
Dirty Houses Attract Pests
Every house gets dirty. Even if you leave it for just a day, it will gather enough dust and dirt to provide a habitat for small critters. If you don’t clean your property regularly, don’t be surprised to find insects slowly wreaking havoc on your home and disturbing your peace.
Pests are also attracted to areas where food crumbs and other food sources are not properly disposed of. Even open trash cans can attract harmful pests (houseflies are a prime example). This should motivate you to maintain cleanliness in your house, ensuring no food or leftovers are left out to attract pests.
Leaks Can Lead to Pest Infestations
Another reason your home may be attracting pests is leakage from your faucet or other parts of your plumbing system. Damaged pipes can create pools of water in confined areas like under the sink. If left unchecked, you’re essentially creating an ideal environment for mosquitoes and cockroaches to breed.
Regular plumbing inspections can help keep your kitchen and other parts of your home dry. If water or any other liquid is spilled on the floor or table, clean it up immediately. It can be hard to notice these things due to a busy schedule, but try your best to avoid creating conditions that encourage pest infestations at home.
Lack of Barriers
Opening doors and windows every day provides an entry point for animals. They see these openings as gateways to potential habitats. One way to prevent pests from easily entering your home is to install screens on your doors and windows. It’s tempting to open doors to enjoy the summer breeze, but it’s impossible to do so without letting animals and insects into your house.
Screen doors and window screens can help keep pests, especially flying ones, out of your interior. While you’ll still have to deal with them outside, at least you can relax in your living room.

Common Household Pests:
Pests are a problem in every home. There are many types of pests, and they can be found everywhere—from your yard to the kitchen. The most common pests that live inside homes are rodents, ants, spiders, and cockroaches.
Rodents – House mice can thrive both indoors and outdoors, making it easy for them to reproduce and cause problems inside properties. Another rodent to watch out for is the roof rat. They are good climbers, allowing them to build nests in roof spaces and other parts of a building that may typically be inaccessible.
Ants – Ants appear whenever you leave food jars or containers open. It can be difficult to completely eliminate them, especially if you don’t know where their nest is. Therefore, try your best to seal everything that contains food or edibles.
Spiders – Spiders are usually harmless and not aggressive since they just hang around the upper corners of your house, but they are still not a pleasant sight. Plus, they ruin your interior and create more mess to clean once their cobwebs spread all over.
Cockroaches – Roaches thrive in filth and wherever moisture is present. Because of their dirty habitat, they tend to carry bacteria that cause life-threatening diseases.
These pests are attracted to places where food and water are available (like in your house), so if you see any droppings or crumbs on the kitchen counter or floor, there is a good chance that an infestation of some sort is happening. Take action before the pest infestation gets worse!
What About Bed Bugs?
Bed bugs are another nuisance you’ll have to deal with at home. These pesky creatures are waiting to feed on you right in your bed. As hard as they are to detect, it’s even more alarming when you realize that they’re found all over the world. Apartments, hotels, and shelters—wherever there’s a high population density, you can be sure they’ll be lurking.
Fortunately, these insects are not known to transmit any diseases or parasites that could fatally affect humans. But their bites can cause itching and skin irritations. Bed bug bites look like small red welts or mosquito bites on the skin. In other words, there is no way to tell if you have been bitten by a bed bug without doing a thorough inspection of your home or apartment.
The best thing you can do to eliminate an ongoing bed bug threat is to regularly clean your bedding, linen, curtains, and your upholstered furniture. That’s where bed bugs hide and grow, after all. In a worst-case scenario, hiring a bed bug removal service is a must.
Getting Rid of Roaches
Roaches are one of the most common pests in homes. They not only cause a lot of damage to your home but they can also carry diseases and allergens that cause sickness, or worse, paralysis.
Here are some tips on how to get rid of roaches:
Vacuum all areas where roaches may be potentially hiding.
Wash all dishes and store food in sealed containers.
Seal all cracks and crevices around sinks, pipes, drains, and electrical outlets with caulk or sealants.
Remove clutter from the kitchen and other rooms to eliminate hiding places for cockroaches.
Safely Eliminating Ants Around the House
Ants are a common sight in homes and yards across the country. They can get into your home through cracks in the foundation or they may find their way into your house on a picnic blanket or a bag of groceries. They can even come up from under your house before making their way indoors.
The first thing you need to do is identify what type of ant you’re dealing with then figure out how to get rid of it. Here are the common types:
Pavement Ants: These ants live in colonies under sidewalks, patios, and driveways. They feed on insects that come down from trees, such as caterpillars and beetles. One effective method to deal with them is to follow their trail then place ant baits. This is the easiest way to eliminate the queen and potential population growth, since the workers will take the bait to their nest.
Carpenter Ants: Carpenter ants usually thrive in moist or decaying wood so watch out for any rotting features on your property. However, you can’t just remove them by taking out the decaying wooden parts of your home. You may have to hire pest control technicians because these species don’t just build one nest.
Odorous Ants: They build nests and colonies anywhere, be it under logs, stones, mulch, or even debris. That means there is a chance that you can find them in your house during the pest season. To keep them from entering your home, hire pest control professionals to inspect and exterminate these safely. It’s also ideal to trim trees where these ants live, so they won’t come in close contact with your house.
Mosquitoes Invading Your Home
Mosquitoes are very hard to get rid of and can be a great nuisance, ruining your day and making you feel like you’re in a swamp in the process.
Mosquitoes are attracted to CO2, which we exhale when we breathe. Like a homing device, they can zero in on us because we breathe. They even track us by way of our smell and sweat.
Mosquitoes can enter your home through open doors and windows or by coming up through the drains in your sink or toilet. They can also come up through your chimney if it has not been properly sealed with screens or caps. Always consider the installation of screens and removing pools of water around the areas where they are present most of the time.
Preventing Pests from Entering Your Home
There are many ways to prevent pests from entering your home. Here are some quick tips on keeping these unwanted guests out of the house:
Seal all holes in the exterior walls, flooring, and ceiling with caulk or other sealants.
Make sure that you use screens on all windows and doors.
Inspect your home for any cracks or openings where pests could get into your home. Fill them in if you find any.
Put up bird feeders outside your place, so birds will eat the pests before they get anywhere near your house.
Don’t leave food out on counters.
A More Effective Solution
If you find that going for home remedies is challenging and time-consuming, it may be best to hire a professional pest control company instead. Not only are they better equipped for this complex job, but they’re also well-versed with exterminating any pest problem you may have at home.
They Offer Thorough Inspection
Eliminating pests through pesticides is not enough. It would only be a temporary remedy if you don’t trace the source. By knowing where they built their nests, it would be easier to control their population after. Lucky for you, pest control Sydney experts are well-equipped for pest inspections.
We have both the high-end technology and the eco-friendly treatments to detect and make quick work of common household pests. We even have the appropriate solutions to keep these unwanted creatures off your property for a long time!
Guaranteeing Safety
Insecticides available in stores are well-known for posing health risks. Therefore, if your goal is to safely eradicate pests from your property, it’s advisable to seek the help of professional pest controllers. They utilise products that are mandated by state regulations to be harmless to humans, pets, and the environment, ensuring a safe process for pest inspection and extermination.