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Rats and mice have been responsible for some of the worst disease epidemics in history, including the spread of leptospirosis and typhus fever. These rodents are notorious for contaminating food and belongings with their hair, droppings, and urine, which can result in food poisoning, unpleasant odors, and food spoilage. In addition, rodents can carry fleas or ticks that can harm humans and pets. Finally, rodents can cause physical damage to your property gnawing through timber, food containers, particle board, insulation, and electrical wiring.

inner west rat control

If you happen to notice any signs of a rat or mouse infestation in your home, it is highly that you take the necessary steps to contact The Bug Specialist for their expert pest control services. Some of the most common of a rodent infestation include the presence of rodent waste, which is typically characterised by shiny, very dark brown or black droppings can be up to 2cm in length for rats and smaller for mice. Additionally, urine stains may be present and can range in colour from dark brown to yellow, with a strong ammonia-like odour. Another sign to look out for is the presence of gnawed or chewed areas, which can be small in size. If you happen to come across any live or dead rodents, it is important to avoid touching them without wearing protective gloves and a mask. Lastly, if you notice any unusual noises or odors, such as sounds coming from the walls, floor, or roof, combined with an ammonia or musty smell, it may be an indication that you need to seek pest control services for mice and rats.

Rodent Identifier:

rat and mouse control

House Mouse

pest control NSW

      Roof Rat Black Rat

inner west mouse control

Norway Rat

At The Bug Specialist services, our skilled technicians can assist you in detecting any rodent infestations and provide the appropriate treatment for the issue. We provide comprehensive and tailored solutions to eliminate any type of rodent problem in your home or business using our non-toxic Smart Digital Pest Control solutions. Don't let mice and rats become a costly nuisance or a potential health hazard. Get in touch with us today for an affordable and effective solution.


Rats' long tails are used for balance and to keep themselves cool – they can direct some of their body heat out through them! 

Prevention Tips:

If you're looking to prevent the need for mice or rat control in your home or commercial building, there are a few simple prevention strategies that you can implement. One of the most effective ways to do so is blocking entry points and sealing cracks, which includes areas around pipes or electrical cords that enter the home at the ground level or in the walls or roof. Additionally, proper food storage and waste management can go a long way eliminating the source of food and odors of food that may attract rats and mice. This can be by storing food in airtight containers or in the fridge and taking out the trash every day. Maintaining a clean and clutter-free environment is also important, as rats and mice typically stay in sheltered areas.

rodent control sydney

By eliminating trash and clutter, it becomes easier to notice any signs of their presence and call in our rat and mouse pest control professionals. Finally, keeping your landscape and yard well-maintained is also crucial, as removing old lumber and wood and keeping areas around the house clean from debris can help prevent infestations and re-infestations. By following these simple prevention strategies, you can avoid the need for professional pest control services and keep your home or commercial building free from rats and mice.

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