Be cautious of wasps as they can be very aggressive and their sting can be excruciating. Unlike bees, they sting multiple times and even inject a pheromone that attracts more wasps. In Australia, wasps tend to nest in visible areas on properties, such as doorways and walls under eaves, which can easily bring them into contact with humans on a nice sunny day. To avoid the risk of a painful sting, it's best to contact pest control professionals if you suspect a wasp nest on your property.

We offer a range of effective and reliable wasp treatment options, including safe and guaranteed wasp nest removal. Our experienced technicians are trained to identify and safely remove wasp nests from homes, yards, and other affected areas. We also provide environmentally sustainable treatments for wasp infestations, using eco-friendly products and methods that are safe for the environment, humans, and pets. It's important to address wasp infestations promptly to prevent potential harm, as wasps be extremely aggressive and their stings can be dangerous.
Wasp Identifier:

Paper Wasp
European Wasp
If you come across a wasp, it's best not to swat at it. When wasps die, their body releases a pheromone that alerts other wasps in the area. This can make them more aggressive and lead to a swarm of angry wasps.
Wasp Prevention:
To prevent the appearance of wasps, it's recommended to take the following steps:
Regularly clean bird baths and other water sources.
You can also consider planting wasp-deterring plants like mint, thyme, basil, marigolds, or geraniums near doorways, windows, or outdoor sitting areas. These plants are known to deter wasps due to their scent or other characteristics.
Keep doors and windows shut as much as possible, and use screens door sweeps to further prevent their entry.
Inspect the exterior of your home for any cracks or gaps that may serve as entry points for wasps, and seal them with caulking or weather-stripping.
Regularly monitor your property for potential nesting sites, and hire a professional pest control service to safely any nests you find.
Cover your pool or any other standing water that could serve as a breeding ground wasps.